Saturday, September 1, 2012

Job update

Just a quick update for everyone who has been praying for us. 

I interviewed with Rick Perry of the Dave Ramsey group this past Wednesday.  It was a great opportunity to discuss positions in the organization and to meet many kind and energetic people. 

However, (and I could be wrong about this), I did not get the sense that he believed that I was the best fit for the position. 

While driving the 3 hour drive back home, a wrestling match took place.  I talked (whined) to the Lord about another missed opportunity.  My wife comforted me over the phone with wise words reminding me of the sovereignty of God.  And all the previous nervous and negative energy seemed to drain out of me, just leaving me a shell of a person driving home. 

In numbness, I watched the dotted lines on the road fly by.  And I turned on some music on my Ipod to hear others sing of their great love for Jesus.  At first, I seemed to be a specatator to the worship of the unseen faces coming out of my radio, but then I found myself not just wanting to, but HAVING to participate. 

And over the course of those couple of hours, I discovered that the Lord emptied me for a make room for Him!  So much of my vision has been clouded by so little of a man that it felt nice to be swallowed up by His massive presence and His message of forgiveness and love.

I know that God loves me and is doing just the right thing at just the right time. 

And thinking about things, it just seems to me that He won't let me shake the idea of serving Him in Poland.  Preparing us by taking everything away.  Preparing us by walking us through the desert.  Preparing us by emptying us of ourselves.  Preparing us by not allowing us to succeed in our pursuit of ANYTHING else which would keep us away.  Preparing us by renewing our minds so that we will be able to know what His will is-His good, pleasing, and perfect will. 

Maybe so, maybe not.  I do not know.  But, for now, I limp away from my wrestling match with God trusting that He is bigger, stronger, and wiser than I am.  And He is good.  Want proof?  Read God's very own words in the book of John. 

And just so you know, God did provide me with a job raising funds for Firemen over the phone.  I started the day after my Dave Ramsey interview.  It is monotonous and dry and not my favorite thing in the world, but so was the daily manna the Israelites received from God.  So I will keep eating whatever manna He sends me trying to be grateful that He sends me anything in spite of my sins against Him. 

One day at a time.  One bite at a time.  Grateful for the crumbs which will one day be a feast!

The story is not over. 


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